Tuesday, November 1, 2016

李健 LI Jian - 你一言我一语 Talk Ceaselessly to Each Other

你一言我一语 Talk Ceaselessly to Each Other
Music, lyrics, and singer: LI Jian

Translated by PalmtreeH

不是所有的相遇 往后成相聚
No all encounters lead to future unions
随口而出的言语 可能是预言
Casually uttered words could be prophecies
这一切 是谁在安排
Whose arrangements is all this
Nothing can be done but comply and wait?
When scurrying in cold winds 
in exchange of an ordinary life
可我 并不感觉很难耐  
I dont feel unbearable 
When evening wind sends the summer away
leaving me with endless night
是甚么 竟给我刺骨般寒泠
What is it that gave me the stinging chills

还要走多少弯路 才能遇见你
How many more curved roads must I travel before encountering you
堆积如山的话语   等着你开启 
The words piled high as mountains are waiting for you to turn on
这一生 似乎无从选择  
This life seems out of choices 
so we need to find someone to tell its bitterness and sweetness
When the smog covers the earth
and we can barely pant
I dont feel so unbearable
When the lights go out in thousands of homes
in the calm and quiet moonlit nights
是孤独 竟像海啸般向我袭来
It is loneliness that attacks me as a tsunami

What I have been dreaming for 
is no more than talking ceaselessly to each other
走在 喧嚣拥挤的人群里
while we walk in the roaring crowd
When the lights go on in thousands of homes
happy chatters and laughter are like the sound of heaven
是谁 乘着风 正向我而来 
Who’s the one that is riding the wind to me

Note: 你一言我一语 can be literally translated as "a word from you and then a word from me", meaning two or more people talk one after another, to one another or targeting someone else. In the context of the song, it basically means a couple talk to each other constantly, a sign that they enjoy a warm and close relationship. 


  1. Very beautiful ! And I think that ,, a word from me and a word from you,, it`s very good translated .... powerful .... simplicity it`s always the best way ...beaucause every person will understand another meaning his/her meaning

    1. Thank you for your advice. As a non-native speaker, I'm always afraid that the literal translation won't convey the meaning sufficiently enough. Your comments help me look at the translation in a better way. It helps a lot.

    2. Hi ... I simply told you what I felt ... I`m non-native speaker too :) I have learn (and still learning) english by my self . Your english it`s very good ... and I know that to translet form one language to another (no matter which to which) it`s not easy .. because every language has her unique way to express .. especially poems or song that it`s about fellings. It`s about to bee true about yourself in front of the one you love and to show your soul/heart. Here`s why I think simplicity is always the best. Be confident of your strengths and your knowledge ! If I cant I will help you ...

  2. Sorry ... I have noticed after I posted that I have some mistakes ...:( my PC it`s not set with english but in my native language ... It`s not a good excuse ... but :))

    1. No problem, I have no difficulty understanding your words. And I appreciate your encouragement. :)
